
Organic ingredient image film

Four chefs, four ingredient suppliers, one ideal! Moncoeur has always been committed to providing people with safe ingredients. There has always been good in society and now this group is focused on achieving an extremely difficult goal.


The film was shot in a natural style, where the four chefs started on a journey to find the origins of their ingredients after growing concern for public health. This process allowed them to meet committed farmers who also shared the same ideals.


Because the farmers are all in different parts of Taiwan, the team spent four days visiting them. Over 8 hours was spent shooting at each location, including interviews with chefs, in order to have enough material for editing. This time, DC wanted to convey the thoughts of the chefs, as well as their conversations and exchanges with the farmers, therefore the picture design and lighting were more sentimental and focused on shots of the subjects as well as post-editing effects.


The topic of organic ingredients has always been the focus of attention in Taiwan, especially after numerous food safety scandals. We chose to focus on the chefs and secondly the farmers to convey the importance of healthy ingredients, It currently is the only example in Taiwan. Of course, we hope that this theme can continue to gain attention and spread.

DC Films_ellie
Ellie Liu Screen Writer/ Project Manager